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Panfish Bait
Crappie Bullet
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Two Toned Bullet
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Pink Shelly Bullet
Two toned; Pink with magenta fleck on top and pearl with pink shimmer on bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Twisted Sister Bullet
Two Toned, Black top and Chartreuse with yellow fleck bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Ghost Shad Bullet
Two toned, light blue gray top and pearl bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Silver Slayer Crappie Bullet
Two toned: Black with no fleck on top and silver pearl with lots of silver fleck on bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Glitter Bomb Crappie Bullet
Clear with a crazy amount of silver fleck
2" in length
12 to bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
S.S. Missile Bullet
Watermelon green with purple and gold fleck
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Glacier Assault Bullet
Clear with two types of blue fleck
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Twisted Ex Bullet
Two toned, black with silver fleck on top and pink with blue shimmer on bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Twisted Metal Bullet
Two Toned, Black with silver fleck on top and white pearl on the bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Silver Mist Bullet
Two toned; Silver shimmer with silver and black fleck on top with pearl on bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Purple Raine Bullet
Two toned; Purple with two sizes of blue fleck on top and pearl on bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Funky Chicken Bullet
Two toned; Dark green chartreuse with gold on top and pink with no fleck on bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Party Chicken Bullet
Two toned; Light chartreuse with black, red and silver fleck on top and light pink with red, black and orange fleck on bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Marinating in Assault Sauce
Our Price:
Thunder & Lightning Bullet
Two toned; Purple with silver fleck on top and chartreuse with silver fleck on bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Sweet Sunrise Bullet
Two toned; Light golden tan with black and red fleck on top and yellow with no fleck on bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Lemon Lime Bullet
Two toned; Bright green chartreuse with 2 sizes of black fleck on top and yellow chartreuse with no fleck on the bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Arctic Rain Bullet
Two toned; Blue with 2 sizes of black fleck on top and pearl shimmer with no fleck on the bottom
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Voodoo Assault Bullet
Two toned; Violet with violet shimmer with no fleck on top and pearl with pearl shimmer no fleck on bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Duh BOMB Bullet
Two toned; Bright orange with no fleck on top, chartreuse with two types of green fleck on bottom
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Glitter Bomb Diggity Blue Bullet
Glitter Bomb Bullet 6 each
Blue with pearl and blue glitter Core Shot 6 each
Resealable bag
Our Price:
Glitter Bomb Diggity Green Bullet
Glitter Bomb Bullet 6 each
Green with pearl and green glitter Core Shot 6 each
Resealable bag
Our Price:
The Joker Bullet
Two toned, purple with no fleck and chartreuse green with two sizes of purple fleck
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Marinating in Assault Sauce
Our Price:
Hulk Smash Bullet
Chartreuse green with purple fleck
2" in length
12 to a bag
Resealable bag
Marinating in Assault Sauce
Our Price: